Caitlin Holsapple Caitlin Holsapple

Festival Stories: Cara Ellen Modisett

“I grew up in the Shenandoah Valley, in Harrisonburg, and so the mountains and the farmland were the landscape of my childhood – and the landscape of my early years in music as well…”

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Caitlin Holsapple Caitlin Holsapple

Festival Stories: Benjamin Bergey

One of the main reasons I chose to study at Eastern Mennonite University was to study and work with Ken Nafziger (founding director of SVBF)… At the time, I was not familiar with the Bach Festival, but quickly came to see how valuable it was in this community, and what a rich opportunity it was to observe as a young conductor at that time.

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Caitlin Holsapple Caitlin Holsapple

Festival Stories: Jeremy Nafziger

“In 2006—I know it was 2006 because it was a World Cup year and the games started the same week as the Bach festival rehearsals—the first weekend’s concert was the Mass in B-Minor, with a 20-voice choir of invited singers. The invitations were to my dad’s list of top people who had ever sung in the EMU Chamber Singers with him, and in the first draft, I wasn’t on it. Fair! But still disappointing.”

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Caitlin Holsapple Caitlin Holsapple

Festival Stories: Les Helmuth

Every Bach Festival Sunday morning Leipzig Service starts with this blessing of the gathered group: 

Dominus vobiscum. (The Lord be with you.)

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Caitlin Holsapple Caitlin Holsapple

Festival Stories: Caitlin Holsapple

This year marks one decade of my involvement with the Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival in some form or fashion, whether it has been working behind the scenes, singing in the choir, or both. A fact that—as I was writing this—became even more impressive to me when I realized that time accounts for almost a third of my life…

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Caitlin Holsapple Caitlin Holsapple

Festival Stories: David Berry

I still remember my first time at the symphony as a young child. As I stepped into the hall, little did I know that what I would hear would be a seminal milestone and lifelong inspiration in my own journey with music…

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